
Abridged Accounts Business Compliance Pack

It is no longer possible for a Small Company (or a Medium Sized Company as defined by Companies Act 2006) to produce abbreviated accounts. This means that these companies must prepare and file the same set of accounts for its members as for the public record. This pack provides guidance on how embark on getting the required shareholder consent on order for these accounts to be filed with Companies House. As regulations are constantly changing we offer an annual update service that will ensure that you stay compliant.

*Free Update Subscription for 1 Year*

What's included

  • Abridged Accounts Consent Letter to Members
  • Pro Forma Consent Reply Letter from Members
  • Confirmation Letter to Shareholders Regarding Abridging Company Accounts
  • Confirmation Letter to Companies House of Members Consent to Abridged Accounts
  • Cover Letter to Companies House Regarding Abridging Company Accounts