
Subscription Service + Exclusive Customer Offer

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Company Policy is delighted to announce our intention to launch a compliance update subscription service, which will be available in addition to our one-off payment business packs.

Compliance is a continually shifting area of concern for any business; rules and regulations can, and do, change on a regular basis, and small businesses or sole traders rarely have the time or staff to keep up with each change. However, the penalties associated with non-compliance can be severe, and can seriously damage fledgling businesses. Company Policy’s subscription service will give you peace of mind, safe in the knowledge that if a rule change affects you and your business, you’ll be kept up to speed and be ready to face the new challenge. Eliminate those extra, unnecessary accounting and legal fees, and keep up to date with any new rules that could cost you money.

The service is currently in development – we will post further updates as it is rolled out to our customers. We are also pleased to confirm that customers who purchase any of our business packs between now and the subscription launch will be granted free access to the subscription service for a whole year. Seize the opportunity to stop worrying about compliance issues and focus on your business instead. Company Policy is committed to saving our customers hours of administrative headaches and making their dream businesses a reality. Compliance is just the click of a button away. 

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